What is the best chemical peel for acne scars? Find out from the expert doctors at Boston’s leading Medical Spa
Acne is a troublesome skin condition afflicting many of us, that can really knock our self confidence. It can be very tough to treat and then, when we finally get it under control, we can be left with lingering scarring as a reminder of the condition. Acne scarring can be in the form of post-inflammatory pigmentation, raised areas of skin, atrophic scars or deeper indentations, which are commonly referred to as ‘ice pick’ scars.
So how can acne scars be effectively treated? Chemical peels are a great treatment option for persistent acne scars, particularly those which are deep. Chemical peels use an acidic solution to effectively peel away the top layers of old and damaged skin cells. These are then replaced with new smoother, healthier skin cells.
But there are lots of different types of chemical peels available on the market, each with their own benefits. So how do you choose the best one for treating your scarring?
Well facial peels are categorized according to their strength, either superficial, medium or deep. A superficial peel, such as a glycolic acid peel, will help to alleviate some of the redness associated with acne and some minor scarring. However, a superficial peel will do nothing for deeper scars.
A medium peel, such as a trichloroacetic acid (TCA) peel can help with slightly deeper scarring but has less recovery time than a deeper peel.
Finally a phenol peel is a type of deep peel. This peel will give the best results on deeper and pitted scarring.
Booking an initial consultation with a board-certified doctor, who is an expert in cosmetic dermatology and aesthetics, can help you to narrow down the right treatment for you. At this appointment you can discuss all treatment options with your doctor and formulate a tailored treatment plan together. In the Boston Metro and Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts area, the doctors at Evolution MedSpa Boston have a vast amount of experience dealing with troublesome acne scarring. Give them a call today and see how they can help you to achieve the glowing skin that you dream of.
Can a facial peel heal acne scars? What do before and after pictures tell us?
Are chemical peels really effective at reducing the appearance of acne scarring? Well, as they say, a picture says a thousand words. Browsing through before and after pictures, widely available online, will give you an idea of the dramatic results that you can expect to achieve from your peel.
Can a chemical peel make acne scars worse?
When opting for a chemical peel treatment for your acne-prone skin, it is very important that you choose the most suitable one for your skin type and the issues that you are facing. While a chemical peel should not worsen any existing acne scarring, it can lead to a ‘purge’ stage, where you may experience breakouts as toxins are brought up to the surface of your skin and eliminated. These breakouts will eventually clear up and are a good sign that your skin is being deeply treated.
Very rarely, chemical peels can lead to skin discoloration and scarring. This risk is much lower if you have your treatment performed by a highly qualified and experienced doctor. Checking out reviews from a treatment provider’s previous patients can help you to feel confident that you will be getting the best possible care. Patients with darker skin tones should choose their type of peel carefully as they may have an increased risk of adverse effects.
Is there such a thing as a DIY chemical peel to treat acne scars?
As they are readily available to purchase and easy to apply, at-home chemical peel treatments are increasing in popularity. This isn’t as scary as it sounds – honest! These DIY kits that you can purchase online or from a store are typically very weak or diluted peels (classified as ‘superficial’). If you want a stronger peel – from the ‘medium’ or ‘deep’ category – then you must make an appointment with a professional.
This means that if you have very mild acne scarring then a DIY kit may be effective for you. Salicylic and lactic acid-based peels, which can both be purchased for home use, have been shown to dramatically reduce the appearance of mild cystic acne scarring and have excellent antibacterial properties too, helping to prevent further breakouts.
If you have more severe scarring and indented or ‘pitted’ scars, then you would be better off going to see a medical professional for their expert help. DIY kits will not be strong enough to provide you with any substantial results and so you would just be wasting your time and money.
Chemical peel treatment cost: How much is a chemical peel for acne scars?
The cost of a chemical peel varies greatly, depending upon the type of chemical used and the strength of your treatment. Typically you can expect to pay:
- Between $150 and $300 for a superficial peel
- Between $1000 and $3000 for a medium peel
- Between $2500 and $6000 for a deep peel
You can also combine a chemical peel with other cosmetic treatments, for example, dermaplaning, to enhance your results. When combining two treatments, you will probably be offered a deal price for the bundle.
While opting for a DIY chemical peel will save you quite a bit of money, you need to carefully consider if it is the right choice. Applying a peel by yourself at home (even if it is a superficial one) does carry extra risks. Also, the results that you achieve will be less dramatic due to the lower strength of the DIY peels.
Do dermatologists carry out chemical peels?
Given the strength of treatment and the risks involved, deep peels must be performed by a qualified physician or under the direct supervision of one. Superficial and medium strength peels can be carried out by other professionals.
If you have had enough of your persistent acne scarring and are looking to eliminate it for good, then a chemical peel might be the right choice for you. Contact Evolution MedSpa Boston today to arrange an initial consultation. Here your treatment will be carried out by our highly-skilled, board-certified doctors, who are qualified to carry out all strengths of chemical peel treatment. At your initial consultation, they will assess your skin condition and formulate an individual treatment plan for you.
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